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North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School

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Pastoral Support Worker

Pastoral Support Worker

We are seeking an exceptional inclusion practitioner to join our team. The successful candidate will be passionate about supporting vulnerable children and their families, with the skills to foster strong school-to-school relationships, motivate pupils through targeted pastoral support, and inspire staff to deliver excellence in inclusion and safeguarding.


This role presents an exciting opportunity to make a significant impact. As Pastoral Support Worker, you will be a key member of the Inclusion Team, championing high standards across the school. You will cultivate a culture of openness and excellence in safeguarding, embedding outstanding inclusion practices throughout the school. You will support the Inclusion Manager to improve attendance standards, leading targeted interventions to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed.


Additionally, you will be part of a dedicated Outreach Team, implementing programmes that support young people in remaining in mainstream education or transitioning to alternative pathways where appropriate.


The North East Surrey Short Stay School offers the opportunity to work:

  • In a school that is passionate about achievement for all pupils.
  • With fantastic pupils who enjoy a dynamic and engaging curriculum.
  • Within a diligent team of excellent teachers who have a wealth of expertise and experience.
  • With a strong induction programme tailored to your experience and needs.
  • To develop your career.
  • Committed to creating exceptional pupil experiences and learning for all.
  • Collaboratively within a very supportive environment where professional development is an essential aspect of our daily practice.


The ideal candidate will: -

  • Be a person who thrives in a fun, yet challenging environment.
  • Have a proven track record in raising standards and a good understanding of school improvement.
  • Have a passion for building strong relationships with young people through restorative working.
  • Be someone who is resilient and approachable.
  • Be a good communicator who is able to inspire and motivate pupils but also who can remain calm under pressure and have a sense of humour.
  • Be creative and strive to bring out the best in pupils.


Please contact Nick Elliott on 01932 229 369 or go to for more information about the school. The deadline for applications is Midday on Friday 13th December, 2024 and Interviews are to be held in the week beginning Monday 16th December, 2024. We reserve the right to appoint before the closing date if a suitable candidate is found.


Completed application forms should be emailed addressed FAO Nick Elliott/Headteacher.

Whilst this is a fixed-term role until August 2025, there is a strong possibility that the contract will be extended for the right candidate.

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North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School

North East Surrey Short Stay School

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