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North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School

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High Sheriff Rewards 'The boss'

Dr Julie Llewellyn, High Sheriff of Surrey visited NESSSS on Tuesday 25th January to tour the facilities on our Staines site.  The office of High Sheriff dates back to 1066 and is appointed by The Queen.  In the past, the post has been linked with keeping law and order, collecting taxes and even commanding military forces!  Nowadays, the role does not have to worry about such risks and the current theme of the High Sheriff is "every child included" - this looks to support the police and judiciary by supporting those children at risk of permanent exclusion, a philosophy very much in line with our own!


Dr Llewellyn went in to lessons, spoke with students and staff and inspected some of the improvements to the site in recent times.  She was toured by one of our students, Nick and "The Boss" (otherwise known as Mrs Razey).  At the end of the tour, we were proud that Dr Llewellyn had decided to award Mrs Razey for her service to the school, something that was a surprise to Mrs Razey herself!


Mrs Razey said,


"I don't know what to say!  I am so proud of everything the students do here every day.  Everyone has just been amazing this year and the changes that the school has been through is making a real difference.  thank you to everyone for everything you are doing."


The visit provided a much needed boost to both students and staff who were grateful for her time and understanding during her visit.  We would like to thank Dr Llewellyn for her time and remind readers that our doors are always open for any friends of NESSSS who would like to visit and see what we do here.

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North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School

North East Surrey Short Stay School

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