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North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School

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Our Offer

NESSSS are able to offer a range of outreach opportunities to support students in school.  These are aimed at those students who require behaviour support or who are struggling to engage in a mainstream education. These services are designed so that NESSSS can work in partnership with schools and prevent permanent exclusions.  Outreach may identify greater needs for individual students, at which point NESSSS would be prepared to discuss other options.  Support opportunities are listed below:


English mentoring


Support given to students who are falling behind or have identified difficulties in Literacy skills

Maths Mentoring

Support given to students who are falling behind or have identified difficulties in Numeracy skills





Support designed to promote positive mental wellbeing

Physical Focus


A program using Martial arts to help improve anger management, discipline and focus


A programme designed to help students transition in to a new environment, including managed moves or in year admissions

Therapy and emotional support

Support tailored to the individual and provided by NESSSS school therapist

Thrive profiling


By using Thrive as an assessment tool to identify gaps in child’s social and emotional development, we are able to create a tailored action plan with strategies.  From here, we will work with the child, school and families to set targets and provide regular reviews.


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North East Surrey Secondary Short Stay School

North East Surrey Short Stay School

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